A family working and growing together to reach our potential.
Our Christian Vision
At St. Mark’s C of E Primary School, our school vision is for all children to become resilient, life-long learners, who become aware of their God-given gifts, so they can flourish as individuals, achieve academically and build firm foundations for the future. We want them to grow as part of our school family to reach their potential, knowing that God is with them, to guide them and to give them courage in all that they do. This vision is deeply rooted in strong Christian tradition and based upon:
‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’ (Joshua, 1:9).
We seek to develop our vision through our five Christian values of Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Trust and Understanding and live out these values in every part of school life.
We teach the children that there are ‘No Outsiders’ in God’s family, regardless of differences and this is rooted in the belief that every person is created in God’s image.
We aim to provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum, enabling our children to develop into competent, caring individuals. Our curriculum will support children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. We aim to promote our ‘can do’ attitude to life and learning.
We have high expectations for all of our children, we want all of our children to flourish. We want to provide them with the skills to prepare them for future life.